March 24 - 28, 2025
Our Jr High students and staff left for Philadelphia for the spring research trip on Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. They arrived safely and are getting ready to enjoy some delicious Philly pizza for dinner. They will return to Greenville on Thursday evening. Some of the highlights of their trip include visiting the Liberty Bell, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Independence Hall, Longwood Gardens, Sanctuary Farm, Betsy Ross House, Terminal Market, Constitution Center, US Mint, 76ers Game and more! There is no school on Friday for the Jr High students and staff. They will definitely need some rest after their trip to the “birthplace of America”.
Our gratitude to Drew Bush and his “Magic Show” shared with the DeColores kindergarten students on Thursday. Our students learned a lot about “magic” and friendship and being our best. Our thanks to Drew for a fun and entertaining afternoon.
Congratulations to our DeColores students that participated in Solo & Ensemble at Arcanum High School on Saturday. All students received a Superior rating:
Jonathan C., violin solo, Christina C. violin solo, Nalayna M. viola solo, Dean D. cello solo, Tara S. violin solo, Colby P., violin solo, Ben W. piano solo, Trio, Jonathan, Nalayna, Conner F.
Upper elementary students will travel to Aullwood Farm on Tuesday. They will depart around 9:00 a.m. and return at 2:00 p.m.
On Friday students in grades 4-6 will practice for their Shakespeare play at Trinity Wesleyan Church. Parents should drop off students between 8:00-8:20 and plan to pick them up at Trinity Wesleyan Church between 2:15-2:30.
Lower elementary students will play Bingo with residents at Brethren Home on Friday.
Here is our weekly schedule:
Tuesday, March 25
8:30Upper elementary to Aullwood Farm
Thursday, March 27
TBDJr High students return from Philadelphia
Friday, March 28
No classes for Jr High students
8:00Upper elementary students play practice at Trinity Wesleyan
10:00lower elementary students play Bingo at Brethren Home
2:15 Upper elementary students picked up at Trinity Wesleyan
A few helpful words of advice from Carolyn Clements age 72.
Don’t ever be above any job that needs to be done. If you can do it, get it done and move on.
Always treat everyone with the same respect and honesty that you would show your parents.
Always do the right thing even if it’s not what you want to do at that moment.
When you have to correct someone, do it with kindness and always let the other person walk away with his or her dignity.
Learn how to pay yourself first. Start saving your money when you are young. Save, save, save!
Surround yourself with intelligent people and learn from them. This is the best education in the world. Don’t ever stop learning.
Don't speak when you are angry; you can never take those words back.
Always be kind to everyone, including yourself. We can be our own worst critics.
The most valuable things in life can’t be purchased. They are a loving family, good health, true friends, honor and faith. If you learn how to balance all of these in your life, you are wise and blessed.
These are a few life lessons and I hope this advice serves you well.
God bless all of you, Carolyn
Happy week,
Sharon & Nancy
- Save the date Saturday, April 12 8:00-10:00 a.m. our Annual
DeColores Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt.
Fourth Quarter Announcements
March 17 - 21, 2025
Tornado Safety Week
The fourth quarter begins on Monday, March 17. Report cards go home on Friday, March 21 with students.
Our flower sale ends this week. Place your orders online by Wednesday.
Tornado Safety Week provides practices for DeColores students. There is a fire drill scheduled on Monday 3/17 at 10:00 am. On Tuesday there is a practice tornado drill at the Central campus at 10:00 am. On Wednesday there is a statewide drill at 10:00 am.
The Annual Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 12, 8:00-10:00 am. We currently need table sponsors $50 each and door prizes. There will be a Sign-up Genius for supplies and volunteers. Save the date.
Drew Bush (Stacy’s husband) will visit the kindergarten students on Thursday for a magic show. He will entertain and perform in Patty’s room at 1:00 pm.
Good luck to Jr High students performing at the Jr High music festival at Miami University on Friday and the Junior High Solo & Ensemble on Saturday.
The Jr High students and staff will travel to Philadelphia for their spring field experience departing on Sunday, March 23 and returning on Thursday, March 27.There are no classes for the Jr High students/staff on Friday, March 28. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Drum Club begins this week on Thursday for students in grades 3-6.
Here’s our week:
Monday, March 17, Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Fourth Quarter Begins
10:00fire drill
Tuesday, March 18
10:00Tornado drill, central campus
3:00 Preschool/kindergarten tours
Wednesday, March 19
Flower sale ends today
10:00 statewide tornado drill
Thursday, March 20
12:30Drew to Patty’s room for magic show
2:20Drum Club begins
Friday, March 21
Report cards go home today
Jr High Music Festival Miami University
Enjoy the week!
Nancy & Sharon
Time Change
March 10 - March 14
What a SUCCESSFUL weekend for DeColores students! We did spring forward on our clocks, but in addition to the time change, our upper elementary students hosted a delightful evening of solos and ensembles Thursday at the Trinity Wesleyan Church. Thank you to everyone that attended and supported our multi-talented sixth graders. Their attire, decorations and good manners added to the beautiful celebration.
Miah K and Dean D represented DeColores at the Scripps Spelling Bee on Friday evening. There were 53 spellers from our regional area. The winner spells next in Gaylord, Maryland near Washington DC. This is the 100th annual spelling bee. Thank you to Miah and Dean for their hard work and dedication to being good spellers.
Saturday, numerous Jr High/Sr High students attended the regional science fair at Edison Community College. There were over 125 projects. Caleb M, Nalayna M and Johnny C received Superior ratings and advance to the state finals to be held at Ohio State University in May. Nalayna and Christina received scholarships to the Women in Science Camp, as well. Congratulations to our DeColores students!
Parent Conferences were held last week and will continue on Monday March 10. School is closed on Monday due to the conferences. Thank you to everyone that attended! It is a joy to celebrate the success of the students and our programs with the parents. School resumes on Tuesday.
The third quarter ends on Friday, March 14. There will be an early dismissal from 12:45-1:00 pm. There is no childcare available after 1:00 p.m. Monday, March 17 the fourth quarter begins.
This is our week at a glance:
Monday, March 10
Parent Conferences, School Closed
Tuesday, March 11
3:00Tours w/Nancy for new students 25/26
Friday, March 14 (3rd quarter ends)
12:45 early dismissal, childcare closes 1:00 p.m.
Monday, March 17
4th quarter begins
Thought for the week:
“Rivers do not drink their own water, trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is……. Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.” Pope Francis
Enjoy this beautiful week!
Nancy & Sharon
“March come in like a lion”
March 3 - 7, 2025
A new month has arrived full of hope, interest, promise and joy. Happy March to our DeColores family, wishing you the luck of the Irish this month.
“For every petal on the shamrock,
This brings a wish your way.
Good health, good luck and happiness,
For today and every day!”
Congratulations to our Jr High Science Fair Participants and teachers. Thirty three students from Arcanum Butler, Tri-Village, DeColores Montessori and Franklin Monroe Schools attended the Darke County Science Day held at Greenville High School on Thursday, February 27. The following DeColores students: Teagan B, Conner F, Jonathan C, Christina C, Dean D, Nalayna M, Caleb M, Tara S, and Ben W prepared projects. Jonathan, Nalayna, Christina, Conner, Caleb, Tara and Ben received Superior ratings. Teagan, Dean and Eli received Excellent ratings. All DeColores participants are eligible to advance to the UMV Regional Science Day at Edison Community College on March 8.
Our DeColores Spring Flower Sale begins on Wednesday, March 5. You will receive an email on Wednesday introducing the sale. Our goal is to raise $2500.00 to assist with larger field trips and the Junior High Spring Trip. Delivery date is April 15 at our Central campus.
The upcoming Solo & Ensemble for grades 4-6 is on Thursday, March 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Trinity Wesleyan Church, 1400 E Main St. in Greenville. School closes at 2:30 p.m. After school care, child care, homework club and piano lessons will not be available on Thursday. Students in grades 4-6 participate in Solo & Ensemble.All upper elementary students will be dropped off to Trinity Wesleyan Church for rehearsal from 8:00-8:30 a.m. Students will need a packed lunch and will eat at the Church. Students will be picked up from 2:15-2:30 at Trinity Wesleyan Church. There is no childcare available.
Solo & Ensemble is a time to celebrate our sixth grade students and their musical accomplishments throughout the lower and upper elementary programs. They have worked diligently to prepare for this concert. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.Dress clothing is required. No jeans or sweatpants are permitted. Sixth grade students should arrive at 6:00 pm for family pictures. 4th and 5th grade students should arrive at 6:15 pm. A reception will follow for participants and families at the Church.
Parent Conferences - Friday, March 7 and Monday, March 10
School is closed for parent conferences. If you have not scheduled an appointment, contact your child’s teacher for an available time.
On Friday, March 14 there is an early dismissal scheduled 12:45-1:00 p.m. due to the end of the nine weeks. Fourth quarter begins on Monday, March 17. Report cards go home on Friday, March 21.
Spelling Bee Winners Miah K and Dean D will compete in the regional spelling bee at 6:00 pm, March 7 at Wright State University. Good luck to Miah and Dean.
Here is our week at a glance:
Wednesday, March 5
Flower Sale begins
Thursday, March 6
2:30Dismissal, no childcare available, no homework club, no piano classes
6:30Solo & Ensemble grades 4-6, Trinity Wesleyan Church
Friday, March 7
Parent Conferences, School is closed
6:00 Regional spelling bee, Wright State University
Be advised that Martha McDermott, a long time Montessori educator passed away peacefully at age 95. She will be remembered and missed by everyone that knew and loved her.
Warmest regards,
Nancy & Sharon
Last Week of February
Announcements 2/24 - 3/01/25
Good luck to our DeColores Junior High students at the Science Fair this week. Families/staff can view the projects on Thursday evening at Greenville High School, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The awards ceremony is 7:00-8:00 p.m.
This is the final week of enrollments for the 2025/26 school year. Enrollments close for current families and staff on Friday, February 28. Our thanks to everyone that enrolled their children for the upcoming school year. We are happy to be part of your family’s educational journey. Enrollments for students on the waiting list open on March 3.
Tours for prospective students are scheduled March 4, March 11 and March 18 3:00-4:00 p.m. Interested families should contact Chris S for an appointment.
This week promises to be milder. Enjoy the week.
Wednesday, February 26
8:15Upper elementary students travel to US Air Force Base for field trip
3:00Students return
Thursday, February 27
3:00Jr High students arrive at GHS for science fair
6:30Science Fair opens for visitors
7:00Award ceremony
Friday, February 28
Enrollment forms due today for current families/staff.
Some good things to remember: “March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb.”
Happy March,
Sharon & Nancy
President’s Day
February 17 - 21, 2025
The DeColores students enjoy celebrating US Presidents and learning trivia about them. Here are a few facts shared with us this week about favorite Presidential foods: William Henry Harrison loved squirrel stew, Chester Arthur’s favorite was turtle steak and macaroni, Calvin Coolidge enjoyed apple pie, Herbert Hoover sweet potatoes, Ronald Reagan Jelly Belly jelly beans, Barack Obama, chili and our current President Donald Trump is a Golden Arches, McDonald’s Fan, fish filet, fries and a small chocolate shake.
Thank you to the many families enrolling for the 2025/26 school year. There are three important features to remember about Montessori programs vs. traditional education. Our students are not isolated into grades but grouped developmentally. Our first graders learn in a classroom with second and third graders. They learn to read and write with emerging readers and excellent readers. Our older students have the opportunity to lead and teach younger classmates. Our learning is hands-on. Our classrooms are filled with all types of learning materials to play with and touch. Montessori classrooms are prepared environments ready for children to explore. Our students move, look, observe, touch and play in their classrooms, helping them to become independent learners and problem solvers. Montessori classrooms are unique, respectful places for children to learn and grow. Parents are always welcome to visit our learning spaces. Contact Chris S. to set up an appointment.
Last call for Spring Concert T-shirts. There is no charge for students and staff. Check your Remind app for the link or send your size to Chris S or Liz no later than Tuesday 2/18.
Our thanks to Andrea W for hosting our Coffee/Conversation observations of the lower elementary. Save the date, Tuesday, April 15 for the fourth quarter. Andrea will visit the toddler, preschool and kindergarten classrooms with interested parent observers. THANK YOU ANDREA!
Sign ups for parent conferences on March 7 and March 10 are going well. Be sure to check the sign-up genius to schedule your conference. Toddlers through grade 3 do not attend conferences with their parents. Childcare is not available for these conferences. Students in grades 4-9 attend parent conferences with their family.
Our love and condolences for the Mike (Tammy) Adkins Family. Mike’s dad passed away on Friday evening.
Our week at a glance:
Monday, February 17, Happy President’s Day
School is closed.
Tuesday, February 18
8:30Garber electric works at farm campus
1:00Parent observation, lower elementary classes w/Sharon
Ohio is nicknamed the “Mother of the President’s” because 8/47 Presidents either were born or lived most of their lives in the Buckeye State.Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKInley, William Taft, Warren Harding, William Henry Harrison.
Sharon & Nancy
Happy Groundhog’s Day Announcements
February 2 - 7, 2025
Nick Dunn Weather Specialist Visit
Channel 7 weather specialist Nick Dunn will visit DeColores on Wednesday. He will spend the day with our DeColores students teaching all the classes about his love for weather, types of weather in Darke County and he may bring the weather vehicle to share with our #decoloresstrong community.
Our upper elementary students will host Nick for lunch. It will be a fun day for everyone.
The friendly groundhog did see his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter weather. Oh no! The kindergarten students love playing in the snow so they are thumbs up about the latest forecast.
The February calendar and February Parent News were shared with staff and students today. Check your Remind App for all the latest information.
Coffee with Andrea is an excellent opportunity for kindergarten parents to visit the lower elementary and observe the classroom and students on Tuesday, February 11, 9:00-10:30. Experience how students in grades 1, 2 and 3 interact with each other, with the materials, and with the teachers. Andrea will lead a Q&A session after the observation. Andrea is an experienced Montessori teacher. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about DeColores classrooms.
We are actively soliciting for new Montessori teachers for the 2025/26 school year. The interest in new families joining our school is robust. If you have a friend, family member etc. interested in joining our Montessori teaching staff please send resumes to We are seeking applicants for teachers of toddlers through preschool, kindergarten, lower elementary, upper elementary and junior high/senior high status.
Here’s a look at our week
Wednesday, February 5
9:00Nick Dunn, channel 7 weather specialist visits DeColores students
Friday, February 7
11:30 Upper elementary swims YMCA
Our love, prayers and condolences for the Woody Conway family. Teacher Lori’s dad passed away on Thursday, January 30.
We thank each of our staff for your dedication, commitment and love that you share with your team, students and our school. Enjoy your week!
Nancy & Sharon
Third Quarter Weekly Announcements
January 13 - 17, 2025
We start our 3rd Quarter! Progress reports will be sent home on Friday.
There is a kindergarten field trip on Wednesday with Leis Realty. Students will depart at 12:45 and return at 1:45 for dismissal.
On Friday, January 17, second floor students will visit the Brethren Home for Bingo.The upper elementary students will go to the YMCA for swimming lessons, 11:30-2:00 p.m.
Here is the week at a glance:
Monday, January 13
Third quarter begins
Thursday, January 16
12:45Kindergarten field trip w/Leis Realty
Friday, January 17
Report cards go home
2nd Floor to BRC for Bingo, depart 9:40 return 11:30
11:30-2:00YMCA for upper elementary students
Remember to sign up for the dance party on the sign-up genius.
Happy Third Quarter,
Happy New Year 2025
January 6 - 10, 2025
Happy New Year, we pray your holidays have been healthy, happy and fun-filled. Classes resume on Monday, January 6, unless Mother Nature provides an extra day of play. Regardless, we are ready to see our students and get back to work.
Our thanks to everyone that made donations to our Annual Fund Drive. We look forward to getting started on the special projects the funding provides in spring.
Friday, January 10 is the end of the second quarter. Students will be dismissed 12:45-1:00 p.m. There is no childcare available after 1:00 p.m. The third quarter begins on Monday, January 13.
Here’s the week at a glance:
Monday, January 6
Classes resume today
Friday, January 10, Second Quarter Ends
Spelling Bee written qualifying test, grades 4-6
12:45 - 1:00 Early dismissal
Sharon and Nancy
“It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas”
December 16 - 20, 2024
This is our last week of classes before the Christmas Holiday. School closes on Friday, December 20 at 2:30 p.m. There is no daycare available on Friday after 2:30 p.m. Classes resume on Monday, January 6, 2025.
This week the DeColores upper elementary invited the preschool and kindergarten students to visit their Christmas wonderland and read all types of holiday stories together. They plan to visit on Tuesday morning.
There is a planned fire drill on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.
On Thursday, December 19 the entire central campus will be entertained by the Jr High Orchestra. The Jr High students offer a Community Service Tour to several nursing homes, Darke County DD and St. Mary’s School students. Parents are welcome to attend any of the Jr High performances.
Central Campus students take their instruments home on Wednesday, December 18. Students at the Central campus need to practice 120 minutes during the holiday. Jr High students need to practice their instruments for 180 minutes. All students must perform a concert for their families during the holidays and list on their practice sheets the songs they performed. What fun!
Spelling Bee Info and rules are available to students in grades 4-8 this week. The written qualifying round spelling bee takes place on Friday, January 10. The oral spelling bee for the top 10 spellers will be Friday, January 31 at the main campus at 9:00 a.m.
Here’s our week at a glance:
Tuesday, December 17
9:00Preschool and kindergarten visit upper elementary
10:15Scheduled fire drill, Central campus
Thursday, December 19
No Jr High bus students meet at Church of the Brethren
8:45DeColores students go to Church of the Brethren for concert
Friday, December 20 (Last day of classes for 2024 school year)
2:30School closes
Merry Christmas
Happy Chanukah
Happy Kwanza
And Happy New Year
Sharon and Nancy
December 9 - 13, 2024
Congratulations to the DeColores Music Team (Betsy, Kathy, Chris S, Lauren, Shirley) and all the staff on an incredible “Merry & Bright”, Senior Recognition Concert. There were many, many encouraging, positive comments from the audience. Our favorite feedback was from the students, who shared they enjoy performing on the stage and it was so much fun! Thank you to everyone including the Miley’s who record for us and post on Facebook Live. The collaboration and teamwork on the part of every staff member is heartwarming and inspirational. THANK YOU!!!!
Congratulations to our newest inductees into the DeColores Montessori School Hall of Fame, Doug & Susan Shields, and our own beloved assistant principal, teacher and friend Sharon VandenBosch. We are grateful for your commitment, dedication and service to our school.
Congratulations to our senior alumni that attended and helped to mold our school today, Ian, Natus, Sam, Christina, Riley, Haley, Joy and Tatiana. Their contributions and continued support of our school is invaluable.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to FISH by donating a canned good at the concert. We received many donations for our local food bank.
Here is our week at a glance:
Monday, December 9
9:00Upper Elementary field trip to PJ&Me
6:00Jr High community service project
Friday, December 13
If you are superstitious, good luck today!
Enjoy this Merry & Bright week of the year,
Sharon & Nancy
December 2-7
Merry and Bright Concert Week
We hope your holidays were blessed with love, fun, family and friends. Check your emails for the December Calendar and Parent Newsletter. Contact if you did not receive them.
We are soooo excited about the upcoming week. Our students are preparing for the “Merry and Bright” Concert. Some of our guests include the DeColores alumni that are now seniors of the class of 2025. They will share their stories, successes and future plans.
Julie Bruns and Jeanne Marchal will induct new members into our DeColores Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was established in 2008 to remember and honor individuals who make outstanding contributions to our #decoloresstrong community.
Our “Merry and Bright” Concert will benefit our local FISH pantry. We ask each family to donate canned goods for the food drive. There will be crates at the entry of Memorial Hall for donations.
Our Jr. HIgh students will feature homemade items for sale to benefit their microeconomy club in the entryway.
In reference to the concert students in grade kindergarten through grade 9 will perform. Students in grades K-6 wear solid colored pants with a white shirt. Jr High students wear their performance attire. The concert begins at 2:00 p.m. The doors to Memorial Hall open at 1:30 p.m. Staff arrives at 1:15 through the side door. Jr High students and upper elementary students arrive at 1:30-1:40. Lower elementary students and kindergarten arrive at 1:45 p.m.
There are two field trips leaving the main campus this week. On Monday grades 4-6 will travel to Columbus to experience a program at the Ohio Theater. Students will depart at 8:00 a.m. and return at 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten students will visit the Greenville Library for a puppet show and Christmas story. Nancy, Jessica and Patty will accompany the students. Students will depart at 12:45 and return at 1:45.
Friday all DeColores students grades K-9 will participate in the dress rehearsal at Memorial Hall.
This is our week at a glance:
Monday, December 2
8:00Upper elementary field trip
3:30Field trip returns
Thursday, December 5
12:45Kindergarten students leave for field trip (Jessica, Patty, Nancy)
Friday, December 6
8:30Dress rehearsal K-9
Saturday, December 7
1:15 staff arrives Memorial Hall
1:30doors open, Jr High, upper elementary students arrive, senior guests
Arrive for family pictures with Liz
1:45lower elementary, kindergarten students arrive
2:00Merry and Bright Concert begins
4:00Reception in the Anna Bier room for the seniors, DeColores staff, Hall ofFame inductees
4:00Jr High students will help clean-up stage and load props
Enjoy a Merry and Bright Week,
Nancy & Sharon
11/25 - 11/29/24
Gobble, gobble
Our thanks to King’s Poultry and Jeremy and Levi for helping us with our holiday fund-raiser. We earned $700 thru the sales for our classrooms at the Central campus. If you did not receive your order please contact Nancy/Shirley at the main campus.
Beautiful greenery arrived at the Jr High campus this week as part of their fundraising efforts. Our thanks to all who participated.
We have the privilege of meeting with parents this week for conferences. School is closed on Monday/Tuesday for conferences and Wednesday - Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. We look forward to discussing the progress our students have made with their families.
The Welcome Back Concert is on Saturday, December 7, 2:00-4:00 p.m. for kindergarten through grade 9. The seniors we will be celebrating are Joy Kiser, Riley McCartney, Haley Miller, Sam Dusek, Ian Rindler, Christina Crawford, Natus Francis, Tatiana Sulek.
Happy Thanksgiving Wishes
11/18 - 11/22/24
Parents are invited to the third floor on Wednesday, November 20, for a tour, observation and conversation with hostess Andrea. The parent education program is scheduled from 9:00-10:30 am. Andrea will meet interested DeColores families at the Central Campus main hallway at 9:00 am. She will discuss the development of the child from the toddler room to the third floor as the visitors head upstairs. Our guests will tour the floor and observe the work of the children from 9:30-10:00. Coffee and conversation with Andrea will follow from 10:00-10:30. Parents of any age student are welcome to participate. Please RSVP with Chris Seger at arrival or departure times.
This is our last week of classes before Parent Conferences and Thanksgiving Recess.
School is closed November 25 thru November 29 for conferences and Thanksgiving celebrations. Childcare is not available during this time. Conferences for grades 4-9 are student led. Students attend with their parents. Toddlers thru grade 3 are teacher led conferences and students should not attend with their parents. Conferences are scheduled for 30 minutes.
Senior videos are due this week as we prepare for the Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 7, 2:00-4:00 pm.
Central Campus students in grades kindergarten thru 6th are wearing white shirts and solid colored pants for the concert in December. Jr High students will wear their concert attire.
This is our week:
Wednesday, November 20
9:00-10:30 Coffee & Conversations with Andrea, 3rd Floor Tour/observation
Friday, November 22
Magical Mythical Feast, 9-12 students
Senior videos due.
We are grateful for each of you,
Sharon & Nancy
November 11 - 15, 2024
Happy Veteran’s Day to our #decoloresstrong veterans and their families. We are proud to be Americans and live in the greatest country in the world.
Pumpkin Dump is available through the end of the week. If you have pumpkins you no longer need you are welcome to drop them off in our garden area at the Jr High. Mark will use them for the farm animals.
Be sure to save the date, Saturday, December 7 is the “Welcome Back, Holiday Concert” for our DeColores alumni. Current DeColores students in kindergarten through grade 9 will perform from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Memorial Hall to celebrate our alumni that are part of the graduating class of 2025. We are recognizing Joy, Riley, Haley, Sam, Ian, Tatiana, Christina and Natus. There is no better way to celebrate the holidays than with DeColores students.
Our week at a glance:
Monday, November 11, Happy Veteran’s Day
Thursday, November 14
1:00 Kindergarten field trip with Colin W. on campus
“There is one thing that is common to every individual, organization, nation and civilization throughout the world. One thing which if removed will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership and the deepest love.
On the other hand if developed and leveraged that one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life. Yet it is the least understood, most neglected and most underestimated possibly of our time.”
That one thing is ………..? Stephen Covey
Enjoy the week,
Sharon & Nancy
November 4 - 8, 2024
Be sure to check your clock to the new time. Be kind with yourselves as our bodies adjust to the changes this week.
Last week we enjoyed picture retakes, snowsuit day, progress reports completed and Brethren Home bingo! It was a very good week. Thank you for the many extra efforts everyone put forth to allow our week to run smoothly.
King Poultry Farms School Fundraiser went home on Friday. All proceeds will benefit the student field trip fund. Transportation fees for field trips are $1/per mile and $15/hrly from departure and return of bus to the bus garage.
Election Day is Tuesday. Be sure to cast your vote.
Here’s our week:
Tuesday, November 5, Election Day
Thursday, November 7
2:20 Drum Club grades 3-6
A helpful tip from RCB: “Remember an emotion that is repressed, persists. Feelings that are acknowledged lose their destructive charge”.
Enjoy election week,
Sharon & Nancy
Happy Halloween
10/27 - 11/01/24
Trick or Treat in Greenville today from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Enjoy this fun evening.
Thanks to everyone that helped prepare our staff inservice on Friday. It was an excellent way to complete the first quarter and plan for the second quarter.
The first day of the second quarter is Monday.
Snowsuit Day is Monday, October 28. Kindergarten students will bring their hats, snowsuits, gloves/mittens and boots all labeled with their names to prepare for the upcoming winter season. All other DeColores students need warm coats, hats, mittens/gloves for daily outdoor play.
Picture Retake Day is Monday, October 28. Return the picture that needs to be replaced for a retake with your child. Jr High students will need to arrive at the Central campus at 8:00 a.m. for a retake. They need to provide their own transportation to the farm campus.
Thursday, our third floor students will visit the Cincinnati Museum Center for a field trip. Drum Club starts today.
Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. is the Greenville Halloween Parade downtown.
Our week at a glance:
Monday, October 28
Second quarter begins today.
Picture Retake Day
Kindergarten Snowsuit Day
Thursday, October 31
Happy Halloween
3rd floor field trip to Cincinnati Museum Center, 7:45 departure/2:45 return
2:20Drum Club begins today grades 3-6
Don’t forget to give and receive encouragement this week!
Nancy & Sharon
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the first quarter! We celebrated many wonderful experiences with our students on their educational journeys. Congratulations to everyone on 9 weeks of incredible adventures. We are looking forward to continuing the momentum, progress and fun!
Teacher Work Day is on Monday. School is closed as our staff travels to eight different schools for observations.
On Tuesday, Jr High students will attend a Shakespeare Play in Cincinnati. Students should arrive by 7:15 at the Jr High Campus for a 7:30 departure. Students should be picked up at 2:30 for dismissal. There is no AM or PM Greenville City School bus service to the Jr High Campus on Tuesday.
Lower elementary students will take a tour of the Darke County Courthouse on Wednesday from 12:15-2:00 p.m.
Friday marks the end of the first quarter. There is an early dismissal from 12:45-1:00 p.m. There is no daycare available after 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, 10/27, Trick or Treat is celebrated in Greenville from 6-8:00 p.m.
Monday 10/28 is bring your snowsuit to school day for kindergarten students only. (boots, hat, gloves or mittens, snow pants and coat all marked with names)
Here is the week at a glance:
Monday, October 21
No School, Teacher Observation Day
Health Inspections both campuses
Tuesday, October 22
Jr High Shakespeare Play students depart 7:30 return 2:30
Wednesday, October 23
12:15 Lower elementary students visit the court house
Thursday, October 24 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB!!!!
Friday, October 25
9:00 School Safety Drill Central Campus
12:45-1:00 Early dismissal
1:00Daycare closes
Warmest regards,
Nancy & Sharon
October 14 - 18, 2024
Congratulations to #decoloresstrong team we took first place in the Sunshine Fun Run!! Well done! Alumni, Calen Bruner took first place with the fastest time of the day for men. Cooper W. was first place in the kids run and Caleb M. was first in boys 11-14. Wow! So many accomplishments.
Our fall fundraisers = fall plant sale $1650
Sunshine Fun Run $3588 = no charge to our parents for the kindergarten field trip to Brumbaugh Fruit Farm, 30 students free and no charge for the transportation. We are grateful for the generosity of everyone that participated in these fund raising events. The funds are shared with all the students at both campuses for field trips.
A new parent event this year is Parent Observations and Conversations with Andrea. This Wednesday the first event is being hosted by our Jr High staff and students beginning at 9:00 a.m. Parents will be greeted by our ninth grade students and given a tour of the Jr High Farm Campus. Parents will observe in the classrooms until 10:00 a.m. Andrea Weigand will then offer a discussion group following the observation in the “little house” from 10:00-10:30. The Jr High cooking team this week will prepare muffins for the visitors.
All DeColores parents are welcome to visit and learn more about what is happening at our school. There is still time to RSVP on sign-up genius or save your place with Chris/Nancy/Jacqueline at arrival.
Kindergarten field trip to Brumbaugh Fruit Farm is Thursday, October 17, 11:30-1:30. Students should wear comfortable clothes for going on a hayride, playing at Monster Mountain and walking through the apple orchard. Teachers, Patty, Heather, Nancy, Michelle and Jessica will accompany the students. There is no fee to the students. Students will eat lunch at DeColores before the field trip.
Monday, October 21 is Staff Observation Day. Our teachers will be observing at Robin’s Nest, Eaton, Mercy Montessori, Cincinnati, South Dayton Montessori, Nightingale Montessori, Springfield,Dayton Montessori Society, Huber Heights, Gamble Montessori, Cincinnati and Cincinnati Country Day Montessori. The sharing of the observations from the staff will be invigorating.
Here is the week at a glance:
Wednesday, October 16
9:00Parent observation, Farm Campus with Andrea
Thursday, Oct 17
11:30Kindergarten field trip to Brumbaugh Farm
Friday, October 18
Happy Friday
Bob is making steady progress and thanks everyone again for the cards, prayers and many good wishes/treats! He has a walking boot now in place of a cast but no walking/driving until October 28. He has now officially become “scooter man” in the neighborhood. He misses all of his DeColores family.
It is week 8. Keep up the good work.
Sharon & Nancy
10/06 - 10/11/24
A big thank you to everyone that participated in the Homecoming Parade. We had a great turnout and a lot of fun. We are grateful to the families that supported us and helped us. A special thank you to the Jesse Peters Family for providing our transportation. THANK YOU!
This week Dr. Bruner will be present on Monday to provide vision screenings for preschool children, kindergarten and students in grades 1,3,5,7,9.
Dr. Young will screen students for hearing on Friday. Both Doctors will screen Jr High students beginning at 7:00 am before the bus.
Bob sends his appreciation for the cards, prayers and treats. He is recovering from his surgery and improving daily.
Here is our week at a glance:
Monday, October 7
7:00Dr Bruner arrives for vision screenings
Friday, October 11
7:00Dr. Young arrives for screenings for grades 7,9 and 5.
8:30Grades 4-6 Archery Day at the Jr High Campus
8:30Dr. Young screens hearing for preschool, kindergarten, grades 1,3
“It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much, so that she may always be ready to supply the desired help, but never be the obstacle between the child and his experience”. Maria Montessori
Warmest regards,
Nancy & Sharon
9/30 - 10/04/24
The first week of October is right around the corner and we are looking forward to the many signs of Fall in a brand new month.
Our Mumkin Flower Orders arrive on Tuesday. They should be available for pick up at dismissal times.
Our upper elementary students are heading to Hocking Hills for an overnight field trip on Thursday October 3 - 4. This is traditionally a big favorite of all DeColores students.
The Greenville City Schools Homecoming Parade is Thursday, October 3. DeColores students are invited to participate in supporting the Greenwave. The theme is “Disney, where dreams come true”. Students should wear their favorite Disney gear and jeans (for sitting on hay bales) . We will meet at the old Marsh building, 395 Martin Street, at 5:45 pm. The parade begins at 6:00 p.m. Preschool students must be accompanied on the float by a parent. All parents are welcome to ride with our staff. Parents will pick up their children on the Greenville High School grounds. More information is included in the October Parent News.
Monday is Picture Day. Bring your best smile. Jr High students will be photographed first beginning at 7:30. All Jr High students will be meeting in the music room. There will be no AM practice club due to pictures in the music room.
Bob has surgery on Tuesday PM to repair his achilles. Please keep him in your prayers. Nancy, Chris, Lauren and Jacqueline will cover the AM arrivals until Bob can return.
Thursday AM all third floor students will depart for Hocking Hills. Students will arrive with sleeping bags and Terry will have a U-Haul to load their items. Students and staff (Lori, Terry, Logan, Becky and Stacy) will return by 3:00 pm on Friday.
Here is the week at a glance:
Monday, September 30, Picture Day
6:30Lifetouch arrives to set-up for pics
7:30Jr High pics begin, no AM practice club
7:50Jr High bus to Farm Campus
Tuesday, Happy October 1
8:30Mum delivery begins
Thursday, October 3
8:30Upper elementary leaves for Hocking Hills
5:45Homecoming Parade meet at old Marsh building
Friday, October 4
3:00Upper elementary students return from Hocking Hills
Enjoy these beautiful days,
Sharon & Nancy
September 23-27, 2024
Our thanks to everyone that participated in the Sunshine Fun Run on Saturday. We had an amazing turnout! Calen Bruner (DeColores alumni) was the first place finisher overall. Cooper Wion finished first in the Kids Run (DeColores 4th grader). There were many wonderful prizes, cookies and fruit. We are grateful to the many sponsors. We had lots of fun. We will publish the results as soon as they become available. THANK YOU!
This is week 5 of the nine weeks. Every classroom is reporting improvements in student progress. Keep up the good work.
First grade students travel to Chenowith Trails on Thursday for the Matt Light Foundation reading program.
Here’s the week at a glance:
Thursday, September 26
9:00First grade students leave for Matt Light Foundation field trip
Friday, September 27
Enjoy the fall season.
Just a quick reminder picture day is Monday, September 30. Jr High students will arrive by 7:30 am for pics. A Greenville school bus will transport students to the Farm Campus at 7:50.
Warmest regards,
Sharon & Nancy
If you are not yet registered our Sunshine Fun Run is this Saturday, September 21, 8:00 am at the Greenville City Park it is a fun event for the entire family. There are door prizes, homemade cookies, fruit and drinks for all the participants. It is an invaluable fundraiser for all DeColores students as the proceeds are returned to our school for field trips and upgrades to our playground equipment and new materials. It is not too late to register today at To the many families that have registered THANK YOU! Let’s be #1 in most enrollments and fastest runners in all age groups #decoloresstrong!
The third floor students travel to the Farm Campus for an archery program on Tuesday. They will be transported by their families.
The Mumkin Sale ends on Wednesday, September 18. Deliveries are scheduled for Tuesday, October 1.
Morgan C. (Oaklynn’s Mom) will host a handwashing clinic for kindergarten students on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 1:00-2:00 p..m.
The week at a glance:
Tuesday, September 17
7:00Redirecting Children’s Behavior instructor training class begins this evening
Wednesday, September 18 (Mumkin Orders Due Today)
Thursday, September 19
1:00Morgan visits for kindergarten handwashing program
Saturday, September 21, Sunshine Fun Run
7:45 Meet at the park for Fun Run
9/9 - 9/13/24
Busy, was the word of the week, as we welcomed our preschoolers and toddlers to school for their first day of classes. What a joy to have our school bustling with activities! Our sincere thanks to everyone that helped make these transitions a big success.
Our Fall Mumkin Sale is in full swing. This fundraiser helps support school field trips. The mums are locally grown in Ohio. Please share the sale with your friends and relatives. The sale closes Wednesday, September 18.
Bus Safety Day is scheduled from 9:30-11:30 for kindergarten through grade 3 students on Wednesday, September 11.
Monday, September 9 is the last day to sign up for the Sunshine Fun Run at the discount price. Registrations are accepted after Monday but a swag bag and race shirt is not guaranteed. Please ask everyone you know to participate in this fun day and BIG fundraiser for our students.
Practice Club and piano classes begin this week. Piano students will dismiss through the music room door.
Jr High choir meets on Monday, 1:30-2:00.
The week at a glance:
Monday, September 9
Turn in Sunshine Fun Run forms today
Wednesday, September 11 (Patriot Day, remembering 9/11)
9:30 - 10:15 Bus Safety Day, kindergarten class
10:30 - 11:15 Bus Safety Day, grades 1-3
Friday, September 13 (Are you superstitious?)
Sharon covers second floor music.
9/02 - 9/06/24
Our first week of classes were filled with hugs, smiles, a few tears, plenty of warm weather and lots of laughter as we slowly cleared out the cobwebs and got back to our school routine. It was an AMAZING WEEK and we appreciate the contributions made by the students, staff and parents. Our cupboards are restored with plenty of tissues and trash bags. The supply cabinet is filled with new pencils, paints, markers, paper, books, notebooks etc. All is well at DeColores campuses.
The leadership camp for grades 7-9 was a big success. The students went home with some tall tales a